UUUUUNfortunately, because I don't actually have flash (and I don't want to abuse that 30-day trial of Dreamweaver quite yet), I can only give you the link to my Youtube upload of "The Illiterate's Guide to Shakespeare." Please watch it. Hopefully it'll prove to you that I'm not just a dweeb drawing crap up at the ass-crack of dawn--but that I'm a dweeb animating crap at the ass-crack of dawn.
ALSO--anybody know it there's a way of uploading in a format other than Flash? Because I'm cheap as hell and don't want to buy a copy. I'm sure there will be no real response--save from another informative message from TheSpammer--but just in case.
Here's the Deviantart version: -Lear-in-a-Nutshell-150332582